GDPR Privacy & Cookies Policy

What personal information does JLB Fabric collect from me?

JLB Fabric collects information in several ways:

Some personal information is gathered when you register. During registration,

JLB Fabric asks you for a Username, Password, your name, telephone number, fax number, email address, Company name and addresses.

We may also record some details of how you use the site, such as adverts you click on, Products you search for, Products you purchase, and information you download. If you accessed this site following a search on the internet, we may record the search you undertook and how it relates to your use of this site.

We may keep copies of information you submit when you send email feedback to the site, ask a technical question, or report a problem. If you contact JLB Fabric in writing we may keep a record of that correspondence.

What does JLB Fabric do to protect your personal data online?

JLB Fabric always aims to deliver the highest level of service and security to our Customers and JLB Fabric has been specifically designed with security in mind.

In order to ensure the security and protection of your personal details whenever you submit any sensitive information such as credit card number and account details, we use the following security method:

This website does not store sensitive credit card information as those details are processed through our payment providers - Sagepay and Paypal - (secure payment page) through their encrypted format systems.

Your JLB Fabric Account Information is password-protected so that you and only you have access to this personal information. You may edit your

JLB Fabric Account Information by using your JLB Fabric user name and password and by clicking on the Update My Account link in your account menu. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. JLB Fabric will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email.

What are cookies and how does JLB Fabric use them?

If you log-in to the site using a Username and Password, your browser may alert you to the fact that a cookie is being sent to your PC. This is a permanent cookie and is used the next time you visit JLB Fabric. It identifies you to our server so that we can display your shopping basket you had previously and to help you shop quicker by remembering your username.

How does JLB Fabric use my information?

JLB Fabric uses your information for the purposes of order fulfilment.

Who is collecting information? The personal information you provide to this site is collected and only collected by JLB Fabric.

What are my choices regarding collection, use, and distribution of my information? JLB Fabric may, from time to time, send you emails regarding our Products and about JLB Fabric.

In addition, we may occasionally send you direct mail about Products and About JLB Fabric that we feel may be of interest to you.

Only JLB Fabric will send you these direct mailings. If you do not want to receive email messages from us, simply send us an email with “NO MAIL” as the subject to

What is JLB Fabric's policy on allowing me to update, correct, or delete my personally identifiable information?

You may edit or even request account deletion your Personal Profile information at any time by clicking on the Update My Account Details link in your account menu.

If you have forgotten your password,or have any other problems accessing the site, please contact JLB Fabric on 0113 260 3232.

Additional Information and questions regarding this policy should be directed by e-mail to:

JLB Fabric,
7 Rhodes Street
BD18 3JJ

or by telephone to 0113 260 3232